
How to Ease Your Child’s Dental Anxiety

Posted on January 21, 2022

Dental anxiety is a common problem among children. It can be so severe that they avoid the dentist altogether– which, of course, leads to more problems in the long run. Here are some tips on how to ease your child’s dental anxiety. 1. Prepare Your Child for the Dentist’s Visit in Advance Dental anxiety is… Read more »

5 Common Causes of Cavities and How to Avoid Them

Posted on January 16, 2022

Nobody likes dealing with cavities. They’re not fun for kids or adults. What’s more, they can lead to serious health problems if left untreated. However, cavities are also remarkably common, with over 40% of all children developing cavities before they reach kindergarten. This may seem baffling, as we’re often told the basics of how to… Read more »

How Do Braces Work?

Posted on January 9, 2022

Braces are quite common nowadays even for adults. These devices are used to correct teeth and jaw alignment issues. To learn more about how braces work to help achieve straight teeth, be sure to keep reading. How Braces Move Teeth Most people understand that braces can fix overcrowded teeth, but they are not aware of… Read more »

5 Reasons Not to Skip Your Orthodontist Appointments

Posted on December 15, 2021

If you want the best smile you can get, then don’t skip your orthodontist appointments. Going to every appointment may not be fun but skipping them will cost you in the long run. Here are five reasons why you shouldn’t skip your orthodontist appointments. 1. See If the Treatment Is Working If your orthodontist has… Read more »

How to Prepare Your Child for their First Visit with the Pediatric Dentist

Posted on December 7, 2021

Are you a parent of a child about to undergo their first dental visit? If so, you’re not alone. Almost every child will need to see a pediatric dentist for one reason or another. The good news is that although these visits can be scary for both parents and children, there are plenty of ways… Read more »

The Importance of Wearing Your Retainer

Posted on December 7, 2021

There is evidence of people suffering from crooked teeth and misaligned jaws since at least 400 BCE (per the AAO). While rudimentary treatments existed even back then, thankfully today orthodontic services are much more reliable and much less painful. If you are currently in the process of straightening your teeth or have just completed treatment,… Read more »

How Can You Tell if Your Child Needs Orthodontic Treatment?

Posted on November 10, 2021

It is not uncommon for parents to think about orthodontic treatment for their children. The first time you notice that your child’s teeth are coming in crooked, the idea of braces might pop into your head. However, it can be hard to tell if your child needs orthodontic treatment or not. It is often difficult… Read more »

5 Common Dental Problems in Children

Posted on October 12, 2021

Many children experience dental problems as they grow, as a parent it’s important to keep your child’s dental health in mind. Dental issues can cause pain and if left untreated can lead to more serious issues. Here are our top five most common dental problems that occur during childhood and treatments that can help. 1…. Read more »

The Importance of Dental Sealants for Children

Posted on October 5, 2021

Your children’s dentist has likely recommended dental sealants for your children. Dental sealants provide a protective shield on both primary and secondary teeth to help reduce the risk of cavities. As a matter of fact, children’s dentists’ offices are not the only ones that recommend dental sealants. Dental sealants for adults can cut cavity risk… Read more »

The Best Ways to Teach Kids Good Oral Hygiene Habits

Posted on September 29, 2021

When your child can hold a toothbrush, they get to start exploring good oral hygiene habits. Learning to care for the mouth and teeth properly is essential to their confidence and health as they grow. If children experience positive things while learning these habits, they are much more likely to stick with the new practices… Read more »

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Tuesday 9:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Wednesday 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday 9:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Friday 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM
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