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Are You Aware How to Prevent Cavities And Caries?

Caries and cavities are common problems which are affecting many because of a breakdown of their teeth by acids created by bacteria. The cavities may resemble many different colors including yellow and black. They may cause pain and difficulty in having food leaving you with no options but to contact a dentist for a remedy.

Symptoms You May Experience With This Condition

The symptoms of cavities can vary depending on their extent and location. You may not suffer from any symptoms when a cavity is just making its presence felt. As the decay begins to enlarge the following symptoms and signs will come evidently to you:

  • Toothache with spontaneous pain or pain occurring without any causes.
  • Tooth sensitivity.
  • Mild to sharp pain when eating or drinking sweet, hot, and cold foods.
  • Visible pits in your teeth.
  • Pain when you bite down.
  • Black, white, or brown staining on the surface of any tooth in the mouth.

Contacting A Dentist

It will be difficult for you to prevent cavities or caries because you are unlikely even to know they are forming. It is therefore important for you to visit your dentist regularly for cleanings and checkups even when you are not encountering any problems. Your dentist will be able to determine whether you are developing cavities by looking at your mouth during the cleaning process.

Tooth decay and cavities are among the most common problems in the world. They are particularly common among youngsters and even older adults. However, cavities can develop in any individual with teeth including infants. When cavities are left untreated they can get larger and affect deeper layers of the teeth leading to severe toothache, infection and tooth loss. This is the primary reason why you should be contacting your dentist for professional cleaning regularly to ensure you can prevent cavities from developing.

The Causes For Cavity Formation

Cavities begin to develop over time and are caused by tooth decay. The tooth decay begins to manifest with the formation of plaque which is a clear sticky film which coats the teeth. This is simply a problem of not maintaining proper oral hygiene and having plenty of sugars and starches. When the sugars and starches are not cleaned properly from the surface of the teeth plaque begins to form and harden above or below the gum line to form tartar.

The acids in the plaque remove the enamel from the hard surface of the tooth causing tiny holes or openings to appear in the enamel. This is the first stage of the formation and after the enamel is worn away the bacteria and acids reach the next layer known as dentin. As this layer is softer and less resistant to the acids that tiny tubes in dentin communicate with the nerve of the tooth causing the sensitivity.

As tooth decay continues to develop the bacteria and acid march through the teeth moving to the inner pulp containing the blood vessels and the nerves. It becomes swollen and irritated because of the bacteria. As there is little space for the swelling to expand inside the tooth the pain increases when the nerve becomes pressed. The discomfort can extend beyond the tooth root to the bone.

Can Cavities Be Prevented Entirely?

Cavities can develop in every individual who has teeth including people who could be wearing lingual braces. However, people who already have cavities in their mouth can easily prevent them from developing further by following the most basic tips of oral hygiene provided by the dentist. If cared for properly they will not be required to undergo dental procedures which may require sedation dentistry.

People must understand they can prevent cavities with good oral and dental hygiene by discussing some tips with their dentist. Better still, they can ask their dentist about the tips which suit them best. They may be recommended the following by their dentist:

  • Brushing teeth with fluoride toothpaste after eating and drinking.
  • Rinsing their mouth with a mouth rinse containing fluoride.
  • Having regular dental checkups for professional cleanings.
  • Considering dental sealants which are protective plastic coatings applied to the surface of the back teeth.
  • Avoiding frequent snacking and sipping while having foods healthy for the teeth.
  • Considering fluoride treatments if they are not getting sufficient fluoride through fluoridated drinking water.

People who are specifically vulnerable to tooth decay because of medical conditions may be recommended antibacterial mouth rinses or other treatments to help reduce harmful bacteria in the mouth.

The tips mentioned above along with regular visits to the dentist’s office for professional cleanings can assist in preventing cavities and caries in the mouth. People must, however, understand they are also required to maintain proper oral hygiene without exceptions if they intend to remain free from this problem.

Jacaranda Smiles Team

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