Pediatric Dentistry

5 Tips for Helping Your Child Prevent Dental Emergencies

Your local pediatric dentist is available for both emergencies and regular dental care. Dental emergencies can happen at any time, from trips and falls to sports injuries. Here are some tips to help prevent these dental injuries from happening to your child.

1. Watch Their Diet

According to AHIP, over 34 million school hours are lost every year due to dental emergencies in children. The first step in preventing such emergencies is watching your child’s diet. Children should know what they should and shouldn’t bite down on. For example, items like ice can harm their teeth. Additionally, getting the right vitamins and minerals in their diet can make their teeth stronger and less likely to break.

2. Add Childproofing Features to Your Home

Children like to be active both outside and inside the home. Because children love to run around, jump, and play, it’s easy for them to fall. You can childproof your home with features like gates and epoxy flooring to help prevent slips.

3. Have Them Use a Mouthguard

A mouthguard is an excellent way to prevent tooth damage. If your child is active on sports teams, having them wear a mouthguard can reduce the likelihood of a loose or knocked-out tooth. You may also want to encourage your child to wear a mouthguard during recess or gym class, even if they’re not playing at a sporting event.

4. Ensure They Wear a Helmet

Helmets are another essential safety item for children to wear. A helmet can protect your child from head injuries if they fall off of a bike or skateboard. It can also help guard their mouth during impact.

5. Keep up With Dental Appointments

Everyone should visit their dentist at least twice a year, according to the American Dental Association. After all, a visit with your local pediatric dentist can ensure your child’s teeth are healthy and growing properly. Your child’s dentist can note if there’s any lingering decay that can weaken the teeth and provide a filling if needed. They can also note if your child’s teeth are severely misaligned due to a major overbite that could protrude and be susceptible to damage.

As children grow and continue to be active, they’re likely to fall and have accidents. However, you can reduce the likelihood of such events leading to dental emergencies by following the above tips. Don’t forget to visit your local pediatric dentist at Jacaranda Smiles for regular care. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Jacaranda Smiles Team

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