Pembroke Pines orthodontist

5 Signs Your Child Should See a Pediatric Dentist

Posted on April 30, 2020

As a parent, you’d do anything to ensure the health of your child. One of the best ways to protect your child’s well-being is to prioritize healthy oral care habits. But while many of these duties can be performed at home under your supervision, there’s really no substitute for seeing a pediatric dentist Pembroke Pines families trust.

That’s because there are certain aspects of dental care and treatment that you simply can’t replicate on your own. After all, 51 million school hours are lost each year due to dental-related illnesses. You might be able to teach your child how to brush their teeth properly, but they’ll also require monitoring and intervention from a professional dentist for kids.

If you’ve been putting off finding pediatric dentists in your area or you’ve had to reschedule appointments due to other commitments, you could unknowingly be putting your child’s oral health at risk. To that end, here are five signs that you should make sure they visit a kids dentist right away to prevent potential issues.

It’s Time to Make a Visit to the Pediatric Dentist If…

  1. Your child is experiencing dental pain: Brief discomfort may be dismissed, but persistent or severe tooth pain should always be addressed as soon as possible. Pain like this may indicate tooth decay, a broken tooth, or other underlying issues. Even if your child’s pain goes away, it’s best to identify the source and address it with your pediatric dentist early on.
  2. Your child’s teeth are spotted, stained, or changing color: Whether your child still has all of their baby teeth or they’ve been visited by the Tooth Fairy, discoloration of teeth isn’t a normal occurrence. If white spots develop on their teeth, this may be an early sign of dental caries (cavities). And teeth that have turned gray, brown, or even black require immediate attention from a professional. Since decay can progress quickly, time is of the essence.
  3. Your child has tooth sensitivity: Adults with teeth sensitivity may not believe this occurrence to be worthy of a dental visit. But in many cases, dental sensitivity in kids will indicate the formation of cavities — particularly when your child has trouble eating hot or cold foods. Don’t ignore this issue, as their sensitivity (and their cavities) will continue to worsen.
  4. Your child’s gums are swollen or bleeding: In many cases, swollen or bleeding gums can indicate the presence of disease or infection. You might think that gingivitis is a problem just for adults, but children can develop this condition, too. If your child experiences a buildup of plaque, this can lead to gum irritation and eventual loss of permanent teeth. Dental decay can also result in the formation of an abscess on the gums, which can be quite painful. Talk to your child’s dentist right away if you notice inflammation or persistent bleeding in this area.
  5. Your one-year-old hasn’t had an appointment yet: The need to meet with a pediatric dentist doesn’t always stem from an oral health problem. One of the most important indicators that your child needs to be seen by a dental professional is if they’ve made it to their first birthday without having an appointment. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that children see a dentist by their first birthday or within six months of the eruption of their first tooth (whichever comes sooner). So if your child has reached these milestones, they’re technically overdue for a pediatric dental visit.

Some parents make the mistake of believing their child is too young to experience serious dental issues. But neglecting these early oral health visits can be detrimental to your child’s health for years to come. If any of these aforementioned signs sound familiar, it’s time to make an appointment with a respected dentist for children. For more information, please contact us today.

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